Regeloppsett er basert på reglene til den amerikanske Ant weight klassen, med noen endringer. Denne må ikke forveksles med den britiske klassen, hvor robotene er mindre og lettere (1 pound/454 gram vs 150 gram).
Gjennomstreket tekst nedenfor gjelder ikke for kampene i Bergen. Fet tekst er lagt til. 

Originale regler er tilgjengelige her:


  1. Size Limits:
    • Robots must fit through arena door ( 24″ x 24″= 61cm x 61cm)
    • Weigh less than 1lbs  (454g)
      • Robots can gain an additional .5lb (227g) allowance if a “multi-bot” is entered OR if the robot uses a form of unconventional motion. Total weight 681g
        • In a multi-bot entry, no individual robot may weigh more then 1lb.
        • Weight bonuses do not stack, maximum weight allowed is 1.5lbs.
  2. Robots may only expand from their size limit once the match starts, and only if the expansion is instigated by remote control (i.e. not just by being springy).
  3. Robots must have an externally accessible way of being shut down (e.g. a power switch, removable link or battery plug).
  4. Robot must have a light indicating if the robot is turn on.
  5. Batteries must not exceed a maximum of 24 volts (nominal).
  6. Only all electric systems allowed.
  7. No profanity à la russebuss culture. The event will be open for families and children.
  8. Teams are allowed to bring as many spare parts as they want. They can also bring variations of parts that can be changed between battles, as long as they’re shown to judges and confirmed to be according to the rules.


  1. The following weapon types are not permitted:
    • Weapons designed to cause invisible damage.
    • Fluid based weapons
    • Glue or sticky pad weapons
    • String or entanglement weapons
    • Heat and Flame based weapons
    • The use of electricity as a weapon
    • Explosive weapons
    • Weapons that may shatter
    • Magnetic/inductive systems
  1. Pneumatics
    • Pneumatic systems on board the robot must only employ non-flammable, non reactive gases (CO2, Nitrogen and air are most common). It is not permissible to use fiber wound pressure vessels with liquefied gasses like CO2 due to extreme temperature cycling.
    • You must have a safe and secure method of refilling your pneumatic system.
    • The maximum actuation pressure is 250 PSI or less.
    • All components have to be used within the specifications provided by the manufacturer or supplier. If the specifications aren’t available or reliable, then it will be up to the event organizer to decide if the component is being used in a sufficiently safe manner.
  2. Weapons are not permitted to deliberately detach completely from the robot but may be partially separated as long as it is connected by a tether of no more than 3 (7,5 cm)  inches. The tether may not be used as an entanglement weapon.
  3. All sharp edges must have protective covers outside the arena. All protective covers are to be coloured red and made clearly visible.
  4. Locking devices:
    • Moving weapons that can cause damage or injury must have a clearly visible locking device in place at all times when not in the arena.
    • Locking devices must be painted in neon orange or another high-visibility color.
    • Locking devices must be clearly capable of stopping, arresting or otherwise preventing harmful motion of the weapon.
  5. Judges have the right to rule a weapon unfit for use in the arena due to safety concerns.


  1. All battles must take place on the field (enclosed 4’x6′ arena) (200x200cm)  or other protected area, regardless of weapons being used in the battle.
  2. Part of the edges of the arena will be unwalled, to allow robots to drop directly out of the arena. The arena will have a pit of 50x40cm that will open when there is one and a half minute left of the battle. 
  3. Battles will last for a maximum of two Three minutes. 
  4. A robot that falls out of the arena into the pit has lost. If both robots fall into the pit, the one offensive one will be deemed the winner. If the judges are not unanimous the battle will be paused and the robots returned to their respective corners. The battle will then recommence immediately.
  5. When any robot is immobile or lacks controlled motion then a judge will call cease and the driver will have ten seconds to demonstrate that control has been restored, otherwise the robot will be considered “knocked out” and lost the match.
    • In a multi-bot situation, a robot is considered “knocked out” if more then 50% of your weight is considered “knocked out”. (e.g. if you have 2 individual robots, you lose the match if the heavier of the two is considered “knocked out”)
  6. If the battery of a robot is exposed (looses covers or falls out), the robot will have lost and the match is over. This is due to safety concerns regarding damage to batteries.
  7. At any time in a fight, a robot may surrender, if so they will have lost. The driver shall then tap the glass and yell “TAP OUT”.
  8. Robots may hold or pin each other for a maximum of 5 seconds. The judge will give a verbal warning at 3 seconds into any holding or pinning, for the contestants to disengage. Should they not do so, then the battle will be paused and the robots returned to their respective corners. The battle will then recommence immediately.
  9. Outside manipulation is not permitted during the contest (they may be manipulated by a judge during a pause in the battle, as described in the previous rule).
  10. If a robot leaves the arena after the battle has started but before the robots have made contact then the judges shall decide if the battle is to be restarted.
  11. If the match time runs out and neither robot has lost, it is up to the judges to decide who won the match. This decision will be evenly based on:
    • Aggression
    • Control
    • Damage

Kampdagsformat for Bergen Robot Rumble

Robotkampene pågår 1 vs. 1 og holdes etter såkalt dobbelt kupp-format. 

Første kamp avgjør om lag går til gruppe A eller B (Winners and Loosers bracket). Hver gruppe går siden utslagskamper. Gruppene sine vinnere går kamp om henholdsvis gull og sølv-plasseringer og gruppenes andreplasseringer går kamp om bronse.

Dette gjør at alle roboter vil få gå minst to kamper. 

I tillegg til priser til pallplasseringene, vil det også bli delt ut pris til lag og robot med beste tema/design/klær, “Best in show”.

Hvert lag skal ha minst 20 minutter pause mellom hver kamp, for å få mulighet til reparasjoner og modifikasjoner. Hvert lag vil ha sitt eget private bord for utstilling og arbeid med sin robot.